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З 10 лютого до 10 березня 2024 року скористайся можливістю придбати нове ігрове екіпірування 2E GAMING із неймовірною знижкою – до 50 %!

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The compact 2E Gaming KG350 membrane keyboard made in popular 65% format, provides maximum comfort so the gamer can tackle the opponents in long gaming sessions. The stylish 2E Gaming KG350 is provided with an adjustable RGB backlight. 68 ultra-fast responsive keys have a life span of 10 million keystrokes. The robust design of the device is reliably protected from moisture ingress. The stability of the keyboard on the desktop is ensured by rubberized feet, and the height adjusting option makes it easy and handy for use.
out of stock
2E GAMING MG345 gaming mouse with a sensitive sensor and reliable switches will provide an unforgettable gaming experience, guaranteeing easy maneuvers, accurate shots and a comfortable grip. And in view of the futuristic design, the model will become a bright accent and successfully complement the interior. RGB backlight «pouring» from the transparent case will help create a special winning atmosphere.
899 UAH*
If you're serious about PC gaming, you'll need a keyboard and mouse. However, it is not about it now. The other important variable in this equation is the pad. Of course, some will point out that you can get by with the old one or without it at all. However, it has been proven in practice, a good surface for a gaming mouse will improve the experience and take it to a new level.
299 UAH*
If you're serious about PC gaming, you'll need a keyboard and mouse. However, it is not about it now. The other important variable in this equation is the pad. Of course, some will point out that you can get by with the old one or without it at all. However, it has been proven in practice, a good surface for a gaming mouse will improve the experience and take it to a new level.
1199 UAH*
If you're serious about PC gaming, you'll need a keyboard and mouse. However, it is not about it now. The other important variable in this equation is the pad. Of course, some will point out that you can get by with the old one or without it at all. However, it has been proven in practice, a good surface for a gaming mouse will improve the experience and take it to a new level.
299 UAH*
If you're serious about PC gaming, you'll need a keyboard and mouse. However, it is not about it now. The other important variable in this equation is the pad. Of course, some will point out that you can get by with the old one or without it at all. However, it has been proven in practice, a good surface for a gaming mouse will improve the experience and take it to a new level.
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